The Sumerians invented glue a thousand years before creationists think god created the world, and in a now 15-year-old Gallup poll, over half of americans think one of those things is a typo. I’ll let you guess which.
In a world of countless examples for unintelligent design versus no evidence of an intelligent one, disturbing isn’t the right word. It’s just the first word that comes to mind.
As many people excrete their cognitive dissonance by finding faith outside of denomination, denomination is still the only draft their beliefs are built atop of. “Moderate” christians make peace with canon by arguing that any rejecting the christ will languish in eternal fire is “a metaphor” (he was joking guys, he wouldn’t actually be a dictator). Funny thing about distancing from genocidal dictates through a metaphor shield: It’s not a la carte. If god didn’t literally mean kill all the Assyrians, then he didn’t literally mean his fake son died strung up on some cypress alongside his fellow truants/thieves/zealots. Irony’s a bitch when you’re defending fairytales.
Christian theology is the story of Constantinian brown-nosers cherry-picking a collective delusion from jewish oral stories that were once Egyptian that were once Assyrian that were once Sumerian that were once etc...
The same instruction of white-washed jesus was offered centuries before - ad nauseam - by Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, Epictetus, etc...
The same gluten-free wafer-stuffers will then pivot to christianity’s necessity to determine morality, as if the genetic instinct to not maliciously inflict suffering on others were absent pre-monotheism. As if it were absent pre-homo sapiens. Jolly stuff!
Ask a caged chimpanzee how they feel about theft or sexual betrayal and as you’re getting torn apart by your genetic inferior something might click before you’re sent into the void.
Today’s Sam Harris pulls too many punches. Or he’s tired of punching. Old Sam fought like an Assyrian defending his family from some mouth-foaming israelites trying to wipe them from the planet because a book translated from a book translated from a book told them to. Uncle Sam! Bring back old Sam!